Electrical – Beaglebone Black — Reading multiple HX711 / Load sensors

beaglebone blacksensor

I have a BBB (Beaglebone black) connected to a few capes.

I need to interface with 4 HX711 boards with loads sensors, I've yet to find anyone who has used any weight sensors with the BB; I've seen the PI do it with python and a possible port that could be used here: Python port for RaspberryPI of the HX711 Breakout Board

HX711 Image

Can anyone recommend a method of interfacing with 4 HX711's on a BBB?

If it's not possible, I'm considering having a small Arduino nano / similar before the BBB to process the weight and pass over all the results to 4 pins that I can use directly

Best Answer

There are basically two ways to do it:

  1. Connect it directly to BBB and write or obtain software to run it. You say that you have not found examples for it so you would have to roll your own.
  2. Use Arduino or similar micro controller platform to manage sensors and them use whatever standard interface between it and BB to send preprocessed data to it. It could be as simple as UART interface with a complexity that your project needs. This path would allow you to utilize existing Arduino libraries and introduce a generic interface between your sensors and application processor (BBB). Furthermore, it would allow development, testing, and debugging both parts separately by connecting either part to computer via serial interface.

I would go for the 2nd approach, unless there is a solid reason to invest time in developing some sort of a driver for HX711 for BBB. For some it might be a trivial task, but if the goal is to get it to work, why not take the path of least resistance?