Electrical – Calculating resistance, voltage and current in parallel circuit


parallel circuit

I need help in solving these questions. I've tried to use Kirchhoff's law but this hasn't worked.
I have been having a lot of difficulty with the resistance and current calculations, would someone be able to help show me where I have made mistakes.

Best Answer

You're calculating total resistance incorrectly. Parallel resistance is \$ \frac{1}{R_{T}} = \frac{1}{R_{1}} + \frac{1}{R_{2}} \cdots \$
Where you get the \$(1+1+1)/3 \$ from, I'm not entirely sure.

\${R_{1}}\$ and \${R_{2}}\$ are in series. These are in parallel with \${R_{3}}\$ and \${R_{4}}\$ which are in series.
First thing you want to do is simplify each branch into a single resistor. As \${R_{1}}\$ and \${R_{2}}\$ are in series we can simply add them. So the total resistance in our first branch is \$4\Omega\$.
If we do the same with our second branch (So \${R_{3}} + {R_{4}}\$) then we can see the total resistance in our second branch is also \$4\Omega\$.
Now we have a circuit that looks like this:

enter image description here

(By the way, whichever teacher drew this needs to go back to school themselves imo. Nobody would ever draw a parallel circuit like this, Google 'parallel resistor circuit to see my point')

Now that you've got this simplified circuit, finding parallel resistance is a lot simpler. Using the equation \$ \frac{1}{R_{T}} = \frac{1}{R_{1}} + \frac{1}{R_{2}} \cdots \$ we can put our values in to get \$\frac{1}{R_{T}} = \frac{1}{4} + \frac{1}{4}\$, this comes out to be \$\frac{1}{R_{T}} = 0.5\$.
However, we don't want \$\frac{1}{R_{T}}\$ we just want \${R_{T}}\$ so we have to invert the equation like so. \$\frac{1}{R_{T}} = 0.5 \rightarrow {R_{T}}=\frac{1}{0.5}\$. This gives a value of \${R_{T}} = 2\Omega\$.
(As there is only 2 resistances you can also use \$\frac{R_{a}\times R_{b}}{R_{a}+R_{b}} \$ but it's personal choice)

You should be able to do the rest of the questions now with ease if you follow Krishn's advice in the other answer