Electrical – Calculating the minimum and maximum \$R_{load}\$ for a zener voltage regulator


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So, I have a generic zener voltage regulator with \$R_{s}=650Ω\$, \$V_{in}=15V\$, I'm using the zener BZX55C8V2 (datasheet). From the datasheet the test current is \$5 mA\$ and the maximum zener current is \$74 mA\$. I want to find out the minimum and maximum for the load resistance so that the Zener is still regulating at \$V_{out}=8.2V\$ and without the zener breaking.

I'm wondering how exactly I should utilize the datasheet to figure out the values for the load.

Best Answer

The maximum load resistance of (say) infinity will push 10.5 mA into the zener. This is because 6.8 volts will be across Rs and, as Rs is 650 ohms, there will be a current into the unloaded zener of 10.46 mA.

The minimum load resistance is that value of load resistance that forms a potential divider with Rs to produce 8.2 volts at the output with the zener removed so, RL will be 784 ohms because 784/(784 + 650)*15 = 8.2 volts.