Electrical – Can ModelSim PE Student Edition co-simulate with MATLAB/Simulink


I successfully simulated my Verilog code in ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition. I want to incorporate MATLAB/Simulink in my simulations. However, I failed. I have this error in ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition:

Warning: ModelSim Altera edition is not supported by HDL Verifier
In hdlsim>l_ParseVsimVersion (line 1081)
In hdlsim/l_GetModelSimLibInfo (line 531)
In hdlsim (line 123)
In vsim (line 106)

It seems like the ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition is not compatible with MATLAB/Simulink. I downloaded ModelSim PE Student Edition and am wondering if it can do the cosimulations. If it cannot, do you guys have other ways to co-simulate without me getting the paid editions? TIA

Best Answer

I already resolved the problem. ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition cannot be used for MATLAB/Simulink. It produces this error:

# ** Error: (vsim-FLI-3155) The FLI is not enabled in this version of ModelSim.

I downloaded ModelSim PE Student Edition and it works fine. I use MATLAB R2015b 64-bit edition with ModelSim PE Student Edition 10.4a. Co-Simulation is good.

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