Electrical – Compare three voltages by using comparator


I am working on a circuit which compares three voltages V(a), V(b) and V(c) by using only op-amps.
To result

  • If V(a)>V(b)>V(c) , V(output) should be 15v
  • If V(a)>V(c)>V(b) , V(output) should be 15v

  • If V(b)>V(a)>V(c) , V(output) should be 10v
  • If V(b)>V(c)>V(a) , V(output) should be 10v

  • If V(c)>V(a)>V(b) , V(output) should be 5v
  • If V(c)>V(b)>V(a) , V(output) should be 5v

This can be done by using transistor and op amps to get lower or higher voltage together but is there solution for that by using just op amps?
enter image description here


With this I can compare three voltages and get the higher or lower voltage.

Best Answer

Here is one way. Your biggest issue is getting accurate 15, 10 and 5V values when the max and min output values of op-amps is vague.

Hence the need for pots in this answer.

enter image description here