Electrical – Connecting switch to a resistor in Simulink


This seems to be an easy problem but i cannot figure out how to do it. I have to use switch in my design so that when the voltage across two points excess a fixed amount the switch should be connected to port 1 otherwise port 3. To use that i use control port which is port 2 bu i cannot connect this switch to the rest of the circuit. You can see the design below. enter image description here

Best Answer

you are attempting to connect a SimPowerSystems domain node to a Simulink domain node...

The switch you are using is for simulink signals NOT electrical signals.

For simPowerSystems there is an IdealSwitch which takes a Simulink-domain control signal. This only open-circuits a signal signal & does not act as a double-throw switch. Linking two together & using a logic NOT on one would provide the same affect


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