Electrical – Controlling this stepper motor with NPN transistors

arduinoh-bridgestepper motortransistors

  1. I found this stepper motor (It may have been in an old microwave oven). I didn't find the datasheet for this motor, so I would ask if someone recognise this model.

  2. I'm new in electronics, so I'd really like to try this motor, but currently I only have some TIP41 NPN BJTs. Can someone show a simple diagram on how can I control this stepper motor with arduino using only TIP41 transistors?

    EDIT: Full part number is MSCS048F83.
    enter image description here

Best Answer

First, you cannot "just" use transistors. You'll need some resistors as well. Plus, you need to get a cheap DMM in order to identify the wire functions.

With the DMM, identify the common wire among the 5 which come out of the motor. This will have the same resistance to the other 4 wires. As an example, arbitrarily mark your wires A, B, C, D, and E. Now connect the meter to A and measure ohms to the other 4. Let's say you get AB = 10, AC = 10, AD = 10, and AE + 10. Bingo! You're good. But let's say you get AB = 10, AC = 20, AD = 20, and AE = 20. B is your common wire, and you should verify this by doing your measurements again. Mark your common wire so you don't lose track of it.

Now make a set of 4 drivers, using 2 TIP41's and a 500 ohm resistor, like so


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

And no, you can't just use a single transistor.

The triangle symbol is ground, and it must connected to the Arduino ground. Now connect your motor like so


simulate this circuit

The 4 drivers must each be connected to an Arduino digital output. The 4 outputs should be driven so that 2 are high and 2 are low. The details of sequencing the outputs (which is important) you need to look up on the web. Try "stepper motor drive sequence".

As shown, you ought to get motion from the motor, but not necessarily a lot of power. It is likely that the motor requires a higher voltage than 5 volts, but not necessarily. If so, you'll need to replace the 5 volt motor connection with a higher voltage power supply which can also provide enough current.