Electrical – DC analysis of common-drain NMOS amplifier


The DC analysis is regarding the amplifier calculations, but that is not relevant to the topic. The equivalent DC circuit of the amplifier is:
enter image description here

The known values are: \$Rg1=300k\Omega\$, \$Rg2=200k\Omega\$, \$Rs=100k\Omega\$, \$k_n=25\frac{µA}{V^2}\$, \$\lambda=0.02V^{-1}\$, \$Vtn=1V\$, \$Vdd=10V\$.

Now the problem is to find the bias point (drain current – \$I_D\$, voltage \$V_{GS}\$ and voltage \$V_{DS}\$.

First, I calculated the gate voltage as:
Then, I assumed that the transistor is operating in saturation mode, and set up these equations:
$$I_D=k_n(V_{GS}-Vtn)^2(1+\lambda V_{DS})$$
$$V_G=V_{GS}+Rs I_D$$
$$Vdd-V_{DS}-Rs I_D=0$$

The problem is, I cannot solve those equations, as there always seems to be one element missing. Any ideas on how to solve this?

Best Answer

For quick hand analysis, I would personally not include the impact channel length modulation.

Knowing, $$ V_{GS} = V_G - V_S\;\;\;\&\;\;\; V_{DS} = V_{dd} - V_S $$

and that the drain current equals,

$$ I_D=k_n(V_{GS}-Vtn)^2(1+\lambda V_{DS}) $$

Since gate current of Q1 is zero the drain current is also,

$$ I_D = \dfrac{V_S}{R_S} $$

Put it all together as,

$$ \dfrac{V_S}{R_S} = k_n(V_G - V_S-Vtn)^2(1+\lambda (V_{dd} - V_S)) $$ and solve for \$V_S\$.