Electrical – Determine the I and V of a logic gate


I have got this problem in my text book.

Determine V and I of the following circuit:
enter image description here

The result is I = 4mA and V = +1V (ideal diode)

How can I solve it using assumption process? Please help me out.

Best Answer

I assume you use the ideal diode model, i.e. for positive currents the voltage drop is zero, for negative voltages the current flowing is zero.

You have three diodes, for a total of \$2^3=8\$ combinations of on/off. But we can get smarter.

If the top diode is on, V=3, but this is not possible because of middle and bottom diode. So top diode is off, and the same goes for the middle diode.

Now, we know that top and mid are off, so no current can flow. If also bot is off, no current flows anywhere, so V=5 because there is no drop in the resistor, but this is not possible because of the diodes, so bottom diode is on thus V=1. Using ohms law you calculate I as (5-1)/1k = 4mA.

For more complex circuits, what you usually do is start by assuming a combination of ons and offs, you try to solve the circuit, and if the solution is compatible with the status of the diodes, then you are done, otherwise you change the assumptions and start again.