Electrical – Double-throw switch with no common connection


I need a DT, ON-OFF-ON switch to control two independent circuits with no common connection. I need something that behaves like either A and B, or C and D in the diagram below. Does such a thing exist? This seems pretty straightforward, but I haven't been able to find one.

In the diagram, A closes one circuit and B closes the other; the other possible configuration would be one in which C closes one and D closes the other.

Diagram showing required switch configuration


Thanks for the suggestions. Here's how the switch I bought works and how the pins are configured. I just need to put a jumper across 2 and 5, which are common, and connect one circuit to 1 and 4 and the other circuit to 3 and 6.

DPDT switch diagram

Best Answer


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

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