Electrical – DS18S20 Temp sensor HAL Library


I am using stm32f303k8t6 nucleo board and Keil V5 IDE.
I want to measure temperature with DS18S20 sensor over one wire interface.
I have downloaded the HAL library from https://github.com/nimaltd/ds18b20.

But how do i add these library to my project in Keil. Can some one help.

My project window looks like this
enter image description here

And the files inside the GitHub library looks like this.
enter image description here

Please tell let me know what is the proper way to add these files to my project.

I have added a group to my project->Sensor->add existing files->what next??
enter image description here

I have removed the .h files, text files and licences from the Sensor folder and followed what you have suggested.
enter image description here

I have done the same as above once again and it seems like added the c files to my project successfully.
enter image description here
But it couldn't find some other header file related to the library**(#include "gpio.h" , #include "cmsis_os.h")**. Is it the error in the library file or project setup error.?

Best Answer

Here is a step by step instruction for setting up Keil for programming STM32. Hope this is what you are looking for.

STM32 with Keil uvision

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