Electrical – FOC Induction Motor Control – Rotor Flux Angle

induction motorpower electronics

In Field oriented control of induction motor it's necessary to do:

  1. Clark Transformation
  2. Park Transformation

According to the note (page 3):
To calculate Park trans. (flux and torque stator current components /Id, Iq/) rotor flux angle is needed – it's described at page 4 how to calculate it.

My misunderstanding is how to do it if at these equations (EQ 1: Magnetizing current, EQ 2: flux speed) there is a necessity to have Id, Iq current which we haven't (as I mentioned to calculate it rotor flux is needed)?

What are the steps to do it exactly?

Best Answer

Start with a flux angle of 0. As there is no current in the machine at the beginning, this is correct. Then you can do the Park Transformation and calculate Id and Iq. With these you can calculate the flux angle for your next iteration. Texas Instruments described it under 3.9.1 here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=2ahUKEwiZuuCU_YfdAhUi_SoKHTN0CewQFjADegQIBxAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Fprofile%2FSai_Sudheer_Reddy_Bonthu%2Fpost%2FWhat_are_the_methods_to_implement_PARK_transformation_on_C2000_DSP_micro_controller%2Fattachment%2F59d64d7079197b80779a7006%2FAS%253A488146115796992%25401493394511043%2Fdownload%2FFOC.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2TEZzD_6dVsD1KEAMmm-IQ

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