Electrical – For p-n junction, at the depletion region which side is at higher potential

circuit analysispn-junctionvoltage

enter image description here

At depletion region, a potential barrier is setup, E(electric field is from right to left)[according to viewer], but left side is shown to be at higher potential.

Inside a battery, E is in the direction of +ve terminal to -ve terminal.

enter image description here

1st image source: http://www.satishkashyap.com/2015/08/solutions-for-tutorial-2-on-pn-junction.html

2nd image source: http://web.mit.edu/sahughes/www/8.022/lec08.pdf

Best Answer

The n-region will be at a higher potential. The label of the polarity of the voltage on the first image is incorrect -- the voltage should be higher at the "tail" end of the electric field lines.