Electrical – How to add a signed vector with an unsigned one in VHDL


I would like to know how can I add an unsigned vector with a signed one. The reason is that I am creating a MIPS processor and I would like to add the program counter which is unsigned with the immediate field of I-Type instruction which is signed. Below you can see the datapath and the addition of those 2 vectors.

Branch Addition Datapath

I've already tried the following resulting in error:

-- Signals used
PC_BRANCH_DEC_OUT   : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
PC_PLUS4_DEC_IN     : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
signal signed_imm_s : std_logic_vector    (31 downto 0);

-- Addition of the signals above
PC_BRANCH_DEC_OUT <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(PC_PLUS4_DEC_IN) + signed(signed_imm_s));

The aforementioned addition works only if both are unsigned or signed.

Is there a workaround to make this addition possible and how?

Best Answer

Why are you keeping the program counter in a std_logic_vector? This data type is meant for a bundle of independent std_logic values, while the bits in your program counter are not independent as there is carry during addition.

I'd implement the entire program counter as an unsigned, which allows using addition operators directly.

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