Electrical – How to Boost an AC Voltage signal from 18 Vpp to 30Vpp range


I am interested in creating a portable diagnostic tool, and as such would like to passively (no wall plug) amplify the 18Vpp sine wave signal that I have (4-7 kHz range) to about 30 Vpp to adequately power a disc style PZT on my device. I have searched extensively and have not been able to come up with a good solution thus far. Alternative ideas require using some sort of MOSFET circuit still requiring a larger external voltage. This is not ideal, since I was hoping to use the setup and signal I have right now to power my device. Thanks.

Best Answer

If the frequency was fixed, you could have used a LC resonant tank, but frequency is variable.

So, if you want to passively increase voltage on a signal, pretty much the only solution you have is a transformer.

Another solution would be to use switching converters to get higher DC voltages, and power your signal amplifier from these.

Both have merits in terms of size, weight, efficiency and cost.