Electrical – How to calculate the conduction angle of a CVD diode


This is not a homework question, it's a textbook exercise for which the answer's already provided, I'm just not sure how to do it.

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enter image description here

I know that the conduction angle is the angle during which the diode is conducting. The full wave is 360 degrees, so I'd be trying to calculate what portion of that 360 degrees is conducting and what isn't. I'm not sure where to start with the trig, if someone could provide some guidance regarding how the formulas in part A are derived, that would be awesome!

Best Answer

I'm writing this whole thing to supplement Spehro's answer. His answer is just fine. But I thought I'd add a picture, since you wrote, "I'm not sure where to start with the trig."

enter image description here

Hopefully, this circle rings a bell! For a sine wave voltage source, it is convenient to consider the angle \$0^{\circ}\$ in the same place that the mathematicians have used when defining the magnitude of the sine.

In the above case, your voltage source is the length of \$r\$. As the sine wave goes from \$0^{\circ}\$ to \$360^{\circ}\$, \$r\$ doesn't change at all. It's always the same size. The only thing we care about that does change, is the length of \$y\$. This is the momentary voltage from the voltage source. The equation is just:

$$y=r\cdot sin\left(\theta\right)$$

Okay. You also know, or you should, that when you are told the RMS voltage is \$X\$ then the peak voltage at the top of the sine wave must be \$\sqrt{2}X\$. That's also the magnitude for \$r\$. The only other thing you need to keep in your head is the voltage drop of the diode. That's given as \$700mV\$. So you know that when the voltage after the diode (across the resistor) just begins to exceed \$0V\$, that the value of \$y=r\cdot sin\left(\theta\right)\$ must be itself, right at that very same moment, just beginning to exceed \$700mV\$. So you set that up as an equation and follow through:

$$\begin{align*} 12V\sqrt{2}\cdot sin\left(\theta\right) &= 700mV \\ sin\left(\theta\right) &= \frac{700mV}{12V\sqrt{2}} \\ \theta &= sin^{-1}\left(\frac{700mV}{12V\sqrt{2}}\right) \approx 2.364^{\circ} \end{align*}$$

That's the angle at which the diode just starts to conduct. That's also the angle, just prior to \$180^{\circ}\$, that the diode will cease to conduct.

Hopefully, this reminds you about the trigonometry/geometry of the situation.