Electrical – How to get an 8×8 led matrix pin out?


I recently bought an 8×8 led array/matrix. I thought all the 8×8 led matrices had the same pinout, but I've found different pinouts. My 8×8 is not for Arduino.

Best Answer

enter image description here

Your 8x8 led matric is going to have a circuit similar to the image above. Though the pinouts may be different. (Check if the pinouts are the same for your LED array as mentioned in the image. Most of them are similar.)

To find the exact pinout, you can use a 5V or 3.3V supply and GND. Connect the supply through a resistance (eg. 330 ohm) to any one pin, and connect all the other pins one after another with the ground. Note the LED's that glow. If no LEDs glow, then reverse the polarity and do it again. You should have 8 LEDs glowing by now.

Repeat this process for all the pins and you will be able to make the pinout for your 8x8 led array (dot matrix) yourself.

You could do this using a multimeter. Set the multimeter in the mode to detect short cirucit. In this mode the multimeter's positive probe is set to a weak 5V supply(So series resistance may not be required) and the other probe is at 0V.