Electrical – How to implement 16×16 LED DOT Matrix in Proteus


I am confused on how to implement this circuit to a real one. Any idea?

enter image description here

enter image description here

I want to implement the schematic diagram above (1st Pic) to here. How to do it?

Best Answer

How to implement 16x16 LED DOT Matrix ...

The general solution for translating a circuit diagram into a physical implementation is to read the data sheets for the products involved to determine the pinouts.

Here's part of an example data sheet for LuckyLight KWM-20882AVB

enter image description here enter image description here

This shows you the correspondence between pin numbers in the logical circuit diagram and the physical pins on the package.

It is likely that many Chinese manufacturers copy the same implementation.

You can check the pinout with a 3V CR2032 battery (for any other power source use a suitable resistor to limit the current). E.g applying a current-limited 3V coin-cell across pins 9 and 13 should light the corner LED. Try both polarities. Double check by powering other pins and checking the expected LED is illuminated.

If your Four 8x8 devices are laid out like this


Your top diagram says you want to link pin 13 of C to pin 13 of A. Using the information you have, you can identify where pin 13 is on each and solder a wire between them. Or design a PCB with tracks that link these positions.

Add numbers to the pins in your bottom diagram and draw lines for the wires you need to solder on.

If this is your first electronics project, I suggest you temporarily put it aside, obtain a few discrete LEDS, 470 ohm resistors, 9v battery and breadboard and spend an hour getting comfortable with something simpler before moving on.

... in Proteus

I'm unfamiliar with Proteus but I expect you need to select or import the model for your 8x8 LED-module and then follow the instructions given when you were trained in the use of that software package.

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