Electrical – How to make multiple GND pours in Altium


I have a PCB design that requires two ground pours on the bottom layer, one is AGND and the other is DGND. Most of the board is AGND ('L' shape) and the remaining should be DGND.

I have tried to pour polygon with AGND over the entire board, draw another polygon for cutting a square out of the AGND pour and tried drawing yet another polygon for DGND. I think this is a naive approach and it did not work.

If anyone can enlighten me it would be super!

Best Answer

Option 1: Just bite the bullet and make the AGND pour in an L shape.

Option 2: In the polygon manager, adjust the pour order so the DGND pour happens before the AGND pour.

I'm not clear what you mean about "draw another polygon for cutting a square out of the AGND". If DGND is poured first, and your design rules are set correctly, Altium will respect the different nets clearance rule and produce a clearance between the DGND polygon and the AGND being poured around it.

However I actually prefer the first option because it is less likely to cause trouble if you edit the design later, shelve some of the pours, need to add a new polygon that overlaps the first two, etc.

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