Electrical – How to measure very low frequency noise

ldomeasurementnoisenoise-spectral-densityspectrum analyzer

I'd like to measure low-level noise in the 1 Hz to 100 kHz range, for example at the output of a LDO. For higher frequencies a spectrum analyzer would do the job, but most only go down to the MHz range. I have access to an Agilent E7495A which goes down to 500kHz (kinda), and I have seen a few go down to 9kHz (Agilent E4411B), but I've never seen a 1 Hz analyzer.

TI for example has a whole video that describes how to measure LDO noise: https://training.ti.com/engineer-it-how-measure-ldo-noise-and-psrr They show using some kind of analyzer, but what is it?

What is the usual type of instrument used for this? Spectrum analyzer connected in a special way, audio analyzer, something else?

Best Answer

A Windows PC can do this for free with Audacity. You still need the coax cables, Faraday shield box if necessary and an AC coupled 50 ohm load. View into a scope and amplify as needed from 0.1 V to 1 Vpp

Then measure for 1 minute for a smooth response as shown below.

Then feed the noise into your audio input and calibrate with a sine wave.

enter image description here

Some PC's have a DC-coupled mic input, with low offset and others have some HPF. You would choose a 1 Hz HPF.