Electrical – How to model differential inductor in LTspice


I wonder how I can model a differential inductor in LTspice?

I've an inductor that has half the turns on one side and the other half on the other side.

It's intended to be used in a bridge tied Class D amplifier simulation.

Edit, extra information:

The inductor is wired in such away that half the wiring is on one side of the inductor and the other on the other side, in the way that is supports current flux ratio in the same direction (the opposite of a CM-choke!), hence differential inductor. The combined turns in series makes up the total inductance.

enter image description here

enter image description here

I've now tried to model an ideal DM-choke,
however I get some error at the end of simulation, see below.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

Follow this answer on modeling a common mode choke, but reverse one of the two coils.

enter image description here

The K1 Lp1 Ls1 1 (I think there's a typo there) directive sets the coupling to 1 (perfect) which is pretty close to reality for a toroidal coil.

That's for a perfect (linear lossless) inductor with no leakage inductance. If you need to model core loss and such like it's more complicated, but adding leakage inductance is just reducing the coupling factor.