Electrical – How to move objects within given distance using DC motor precisely

dc motor

I would like to get an idea how to control DC motor precisely. (i.e. deliver an object in a 100% right position) and I am not writing for the mathematical equations)

I am planning to make printer head which rotates left-right using DC motor but when I designed it, the following issue arose in my head:

I have thought that

  1. after the calculation and moving head using DC motor,
    can I 100% guarantee the accuracy of the distance?
  2. (from 1) if it is not accurate, it would need side components to verify its distance. How things like printer verify the distance?

I tried to search relevant information to analyze the issue, but could not find much about it.

Best Answer

Stepper motors are probably the best bet, but if you don't want to use them, you can always add a rotary encoder to the motor in order to control the head position.