Electrical – How to/should I bypass switches


I want to make a stage box (with light in it) so when the guitarist or singer steps on it, it lights up. In the box I want to use a 12W (or maybe later 2) LED lights (which have a normal EU power plug).

I want to make initially two means of turning them on:

  1. By stepping on the box (on a plateau)
  2. By pressing a foot pedal

The reason is that I don't know if I can make option 1 very reliable, so option 2 is a backup.

Also since both options might fail, I want to use rocker toggle switches to bypass both options (meaning if both rocker switches are ON/bypass, the light should always light up).

I changed the answer to use a relay (instead of using mains, as of the comment of MrGerber below).

After update

I had the following circuit in mind, but I wonder:

  • If it is a good way to bypass this way
  • If for the foot bypass switch, I really need a DPDT switch (I couldn't find any other way).
  • If I need another way as the relay.

(actually the 12W Led lamp is inserted with a normal power EU 220V plug, but I couldn't find a symbol for this).

Best Answer

If any one (or all) of the switches should turn on the lights, just connect all the switches in parallel. No need to take any switch out-of-circuit, unless you expect it to fail "On".

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