Electrical – How to understand dynamic range of op amp from TI’s book


I am reading TI's op amps for everyone.

I am very confused about its description about dynamic range as follows

enter image description here

I have some questions about it,

  1. Since it is the maximum output voltage the op amp can achieve and the minimum output voltage the op amp can achieve, why should it be as follows: $$V_{OH(MIN)}$$ $$V_{OL(MAX)}$$

  2. What does 'the most positive power supply voltage' mean in this text?

  3. Actually, I have no idea what dynamic range is according to this material which should be authoritative. Can anybody give me more intuitive view of relationships between dynamic range and power supply?

Thank you!

Best Answer

Let's say you have an op amp power with dual 15 volt supplies. Furthermore, let's say that the most positive voltage the op amp can put out is in the range of 12 to 14 volts. Also, let's say that the most negative it can put out is -12 to -14 volts. The VOH(min) is 12, and VOL(max) is -12. That is, the minimum high voltage is +12, and the maximum low voltage is -12. Then the dynamic range is 12 - (-12), or 24 volts.

Dynamic range is always less than the difference between the two power supplies, but it varies with op amp and power supply voltages. The same op amp mentioned above might, for instance, be able with +/- 5volt supplies to put out 1 to 4 volts (positive) and -1 to -4 volts (negative) Then its dynamic range would only be 2 volts with +/- 5 volt supplies.

Note that dynamic range, by this definition, is a worst-case number. It tells you what the guaranteed output voltage swing is, not what you might get if you're lucky. The first opamp is guaranteed to output a 24 volt swing, but it might in some cases put out 28 volts.