Electrical – Innova 3320 multimeter calibration


Anyone have experience adjusting the Voltage reading on these? My less expensive meters have a single pot for calibrating, but this one has three. Labeled on the circuit board as V1, V2, and V3. I'd be interested to find out what each of them does, but mainly, I need to know which adjusts the Voltage reading.


enter image description here

Best Answer

The other answer is right, adjust VR1 with a tiny screwdriver. Clockwise is lower voltage and counter is increase. Tested using DCV function. You should use a voltage reference module, but I just used the readings from 2 other meters that seemed accurate and adjusted it likewise. The other 2 meters have a thousandths place, this 3320 only has 2 digits. And we don't know what the other 2 VR2 and VR3 are.