Electrical – Keyboard mod – Replacing original red LEDs with white


I have a CM storm Trigger with blue Cherry MX, it's a good keyboard that I got a few years ago and still works perfectly. My only problem is with the backlighting, since my setup is now mostly white/black/wood and the red is not looking good.

I'd like to switch to white LED backlighting, I thought I could buy a pack of white 3mm LEDs and solder them in place of the red ones. I'm concerned about forward voltages, red diodes are usually ~2V and white ones are ~3V.

Many thanks.

Best Answer

You are right about diode forward voltage. There are three common ways to drive the diodes:

  • 5V with resistor: this is how most indicator diodes are wired. In your case, white LEDs will be less bright but since they are also more efficient, overall light output may be about the same.
  • 3.3V with resistor: white LEDs will not work, but this setup is unlikely as it will put extra load on 3.3v regulator for no reason.
  • In series with CC LED driver: this is how LEDs are driven in monitor backlights. This provides very uniform brightness but requires more parts. May or may not work depending on the driver IC used: for example, if each chain has 10 LEDs, and driver is rated for 24V max, then this will work with red leds (20v total) but not with white leds (30v total). But if they only put 7 LEDs per chain, then this driver will work.

Overall, I recommend opening up a keyboard and looking at the design. If you see a small IC with inductor next to it, let me know the part number.