Electrical – KiCad Circle Dimensions


Bit of a newbie to KiCad. Trying to get two edge cut circles, one with a diameter of 50mm and an inner one with a diameter of 40mm.

Here is my settings for the 50mm one (using 25mm as I assumed this was the radius measurement):

Current Circle Properties

However this produces a circle with a diameter of 70mm. The same with the inner circle when I set the Point X and Point Y to 20mm, the resulting circle has a diameter of 56mm.

Resulting Circles

How can I get correctly dimensioned circle cuts in KiCad?

Best Answer

You will need to set one of your dimensions the same as your center. So, in your case, set the X=0, Y=25. With them both=25, R=\$\sqrt{25^2 + 25^2}\simeq35\$.

For your 40mm circle, set X=0, Y=20. It would also work to set X=20, Y=0.

Note, that this is only for v4. With version 5, the KiCad circle properties window looks like this:

Circle Properties