Electrical – LIS3DH- Understanding Z axis output


I am trying to measure a machine's vibration using LIS3DH sensor.
I set the LIS3DH in low power mode and 5.376 kHz sampling frequency which outputs 8 bit output. I use SPI to get the data from the sensor. I changed this raw output into ’g' using the sensitivity value given in the datasheet.
My problem is: The sensor shows a fluctuation in its output of Z axis even when there is no vibration applied and the sensor is fitted on a horizontal surface. The range of this fluctuation is approximately from 0.6g to 1.2g. I have attached a image that shows such output. (X axis is time and Y axis is vibration in terms of g)
enter image description here
Can someone please help me to interpret why this is happening ? Is there a method to somehow remove this noise from the output ?

Best Answer

The Z axis should show about 1m/s2 when level because it is measuring the force of gravity. The noise could be vibration due to nearby fans, machinery, wind, even people walking in the area. It will pickup very subtle vibrations.

To reduce the noise, if you do not need high sensitivity, reduce the scale of the LIS3DH. Alternatively, you could handle this is in software through averaging, moving averages, etc. You could also consider implementing a software low pass filter.