Electrical – LM358 OPAMP non inverting amplifier DC errors


Trying to amplify IR sensor 40mV DC output using LM358 noninverting amplifier circuit.

opamp circuit

Selected resistance as R1 2.2K and feedback resistance, R2 51K. Got output voltage 0.8V. Measured output voltage by changing resistance values R1 to 1K and R2 to upto 1M, but output voltage didn't get above 0.8V. Supply voltage of opamp is 5V.

How can I get the output voltage of opamp above 1.5V?

Best Answer

Selected Resistance as R1 2.2K and feedback resistance, R2 51K.

The input offset voltage of the LM358 is typically 2 mV but can be as high as 5 mV and if you ignore the input signal (set it to 0 mV as a thought experiment), the output voltage is: -

$$\text{±2 mV}\cdot\left(1 + \dfrac{\text{51 kohm}}{\text{2.2 kohm}}\right) = \text{±48 mV}$$

So that's a pretty big basic error given that a 40 mV input signal is meant to be amplified to 967 mV (a ±5% error). That is for a typical input offset voltage of 2 mV and, of course will be 2.5 times worse at extremes.

Measured output voltage by changing resistance values R1 to 1K and R2 to upto 1M

Now the gain is about a 1000 and the input offset of ±2 mV could produce an output all on its own of ±2 volts. So at one extreme, the output could be 2 volt low and at the other extreme, the output could be 2 volts high. Somewhere in between these numbers is where the output offset voltage could be.

If your LM358 is powered from 5 volts and 0 volt then clearly it cannot produce a negative output voltage and so the output may "clamp" close to 0 volts.

Do you see the problem: -

$$\color{red}{\boxed{\text{You need an op-amp with a much better input offset voltage}}}$$

There may be other problems too but this one is glaring.