Electrical – Load-line of MOSFET when analyzing triode mode


When we are analyzing MOSFET within a circuit (e.g. as an amplifier) with drain or source resistor we must consider the load line of transistor, like so:
enter image description here

When used in triode mode a.k.a. ohmic mode there is said that drain current increases linearly with drain-source voltage and when used in active region there is often said that drain current changes almost nothing with drain-source voltage.

  • How is this possible if increasing drain current decreases drain-source voltage and vice versa when considering load line?

Best Answer

The load line in your graph shows what current flows (Id) over a varying Vgs.

Your text describing triode mode and saturation concerns the behavior of Id over varying Vds (not Vgs) while keeping Vgs constant.

Here the load line crosses the horizontal (well almost) part of the blue curves, that is the saturation region.

The triode mode region is the part on the left where the blue lines are nearly vertical.