Electrical – Log plot with 5 divisions


I have some troubles with reading this

For example the plot


I know normal log and double log scales but the plots in this datasheet have only 4 divisions. Is it then 1,2,4,6,8,10?

Best Answer

Graph reproduced here, so people don't have to go looking

enter image description here

There's no line exactly halfway between 1 and 10, so 3 (a common approximation on logplots to 3.162) is not marked.

This suggests the lines before and after the mid point are 2 and 4. Notice the first two divisions are the same width, so have the same ratio, which would support them being 2 and 4.

The next division is smaller, so it's not a factor of 2, but ignoring that and going for the next line, that appears to be the same factor of 2 distance, so is probably 8. It's quite close to 10, which sounds good.

The line between 4 and 8, and closer to 8? It's likely to be 6.

Measuring all the divisions and taking exponentials confirms (approximately) those guesses.

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