Electrical – Looking for LCD replacement (OLED)


I'm considering replacing this 16×2 LCD module found in an early '90s E-Mu synthesizer with a modern OLED equivalent.

LCD Module

However, apart from the Solomon name I can't find any reference to any of the markings online anywhere. The only other identifying marks are "AC358 REV.A QIS 1793" on the 14-pin ribbon cable.

Dimensions wise, the Winstar WEH001602C range (at 85mm x 36mm) appear to be a perfect fit and are supposedly (mostly) compatible with the HD44780, but without the pinout of this board I can't tell how "plug and play" it might be, or indeed if it's even possible.

FOLLOWUP: The WEH001602C was indeed completely compatible with my E-Mu Proteus 1 range of modules and the E-Mu "Vintage Keys" module. I did find however that it would sometimes fail to initialise when installed in a later Proteus FX model. It was however slightly thinner so I designed and printed a 3mm thick standoff to bring the display bezel out to the correct position.

Best Answer

Luckily there is a fair amount of standardization in the pinout of these types of display. Even the 16x1, 16x2, 20x2 and other sizes had the same pinout.

The main difference is whether there are two pins added for the LED backlight at 15 and 16. Usually the other pins are not disturbed though.

It is probably the same as:

Pololu 16x2 display