Electrical – Low pass filter [DELAY]

delayfilterlow pass

Ok guys, I can't understand a thing, why a low pass filter will delay only a signal with an high frequency?If I have a RC low pass filter, why the delayed band is only the band that has an high frequency though the bass frequency as a Tau=R*C?Why the tau "don't work" in low frequency?

Best Answer

The delay you are (probably) talking about is only apparent. Here is a lowpass RC with fc~34Hz, with a swept sine from 10Hz to 100Hz:


Visually, the delay for the lower frequencies seems less than for the higher ones, but if you look at the .AC analysis:


you can clearly see that the delay (dotted line) is more towards the lower frequencies, and drops as the frequency goes up.

Conclusion(s): the lowpass doesn't delay only the high frequencies, it delays all frequencies. If it does seem so, it's because the delay's value, compared to the period, is less at low frequencies than at higher ones. In rest, your question doesn't make much sense, so I cannot answer.