Electrical – Matlab code to determine and plot impulse response


I have a signal y[n], represented by the vector y in this form

  • y[n] =x[n] + ax[n−N]

About this signal:

  1. x[n] is the uncorrupted speech signal which has been delayed by N samples and added back in with its amplitude decreased by a<1
  2. N= 1000, and the echo amplitude,a= 0.5.

I need help with:
Determining and plotting the impulse response of the signal. Also I was hoping to store this impulse response in the vector for 0≤n≤1000

What I have and which does not work:

% Testing the input:

% echotime,N= 1000, and 
% the echo amplitude,a= 0.5.
N = 1000;
a = 0.5;

n = [0:1000]; %time vector

for i=0:1000
stem(n,y) %output plot

This would give me an error lie:

Undefined function or variable 'x'.

Error in (line 15)

Best Answer

Determining and plotting the impulse response of the signal.

You are confusing signals and systems. Systems have impulse responses, signals don't. You can calculate the output signal of a linear time invariant system for any given input vy convolving the input signal with the impulse response of the system.

% create the impulse response
M = 1; % MATLAB indexing offset
N = 1000;
h = zeros(1001,1); 
h(M+0) = 1;
h(M+1000) = 1;
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