Electrical – mbed OS 5 TCP Socket


I have a few question regarding mbed OS 5's new TCP API:

Some background:

I will have multiple mbeds linked via Ethernet to a PC. The PC, whose IP address is fixed and known by each mbed, initiates the connections (mbeds effectively acting as servers).

The mbed only needs to handle one socket at a time, and the PC should have no problem reconnecting (thereby opening a socket on the mbed) to the mbed, should the connection fail at any point, or the socket is closed by the PC (i.e. the mbed should happily accept and open a socket if there is no open socket).


My proposed approach would be to call accept() on the listener socket, storing the result in a temporary buffer. If the result is NULL (no socket to be accepted), continue. If result is not NULL (we have a pointer to a new socket), close the current socket, and point it to the address returned by accept. All of this, as well as the send() and recv() calls would occur in a while(true) loop.

By accept() returning a new socket, it is assumed that the host (PC) initiated a new connection due to the previous one (which the mbed has no way of telling is now lost) being lost/closed. Therefore, it should be no problem discarding the current socket and replacing it with the new one

Does this seem like a sensible approach?


I've come up with an example of what I was describing above. Hasn't been tested, but should still convey the idea.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "EthernetInterface.h"

// Network interface
EthernetInterface net;

TCPSocket listener;
TCPSocket* client;

// Socket demo
int main()

    int remaining;
    int rcount;
    char *p;
    char *buffer = new char[256];
    nsapi_size_or_error_t result;




    client = listener.accept(NULL);

    while(1) {

        int remaining = 256;
        int rcount = 0;
        p = buffer;

        while (remaining > 0 && 0 < (result = client->recv(buffer, remaining))) {
            p += result;
            rcount += result;
            remaining -= result;

        if (result == 0) { //Peer has shutdown connection
            client->close(); //close socket;

            client = listener.accept(NULL); //block again until new connection comes through

        if (result == NSAPI_ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { //Assume connection has been lost
            client->close(); //close socket;

            client = listener.accept(NULL); //block again until new connection comes through




Best Answer

Why not use UDP in this case? There won't be any socket opening, you can just listen on a socket on the Mbed board and computers can send data to the port. No problem with abandoning sockets.

Note that we have an example of a multi-threaded HTTP 1.1 webserver here: http-webserver-example if you need some inspiration on building TCP servers on top of Mbed OS.