Electrical – Measuring Rotary Encoder Signal with Multimeter


I'd like to measure the A and B signal of an encoder (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B079H3C98M/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) using my multimeter.

I've tried testing the A channel (CLK) by connecting one lead to the CLK output, and the other to GND. As I turn the encoder, the signal always remains at 5V. Can anyone explain why this is?


I've connected the encoder to an mbed, and although the results are not perfect, the mbed does seem to detect a change in pulse, which makes the matter even more confusing.

Best Answer

The encoders like that one usually have contacts switching between the detents. The momentary connection change is hard to detect when you rotating it by hand. Try pinching shaft hard and rotate as slow as possible, you'd see the pulse.