Electrical – Measuring the peak discharge current of capacitor

capacitorcurrent measurement

I am applying two capacitors conneted in parallel to operate a pulsed plasma thruster. My question is how to calculate the peak discharge current of 2x 8(micro-Farad) capacitors (connected together in parallel) in an RLC circuit?. I am doing this because I want to choose the suitable current probe (a rogowski coil) to measure the current. This rogowski coil has a peak current that must not be exceeded.

Best Answer

Good idea to simulate it! You can also check R and L and C separately with a source generator and an oscilloscope in order to models R and L and C correctly with the parasitic component. It could have sense if you are not sure for one of them. For example, a single wire has an inductance of about 1nH/mm. Two wires in parallel will have some pF in parasitics. A parasitics R is also here everywhere. And all good inductor have also a parasitics capacitor, that can be deduct with the resonance frequency (that is sometimes given). Etc...