Electrical – MOSFET H-Bridge with PWM for motor control – will this circuit work?


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I designed an H-Bridge circuit that I will use to drive a 12V wiper motor that can draw 6A. Will this work? Should I just use relays? I want to be able to control speed as well. I will be controlling the PWM and the switching through an Arduino.

Best Answer

We can't say whether this will "work" because you haven't specified the desired operation, what controls parts like the two switches, where the tops of D2 and D3 are connected, etc. In short, this is a documentation mess.

There are also some obvious problems. There is nothing limiting current when Q3 is on, and Q9 is turned on by "PWM", just to name one.

Step back, create a proper spec for what you want a circuit to accomplish, how it will be controlled, etc, then maybe ask about details of various parts.