Electrical – Multiplexer handling 16 bits


Design the VHDL components (Register, Decoder, and two Multiplexer
16 bit) and interconnect them to build a register file. The schematic
shows only four registers. Your solution should implement eight

enter image description here

The diagram provided as a example uses a 2:1 and 4:2 multiplexer, this dealt with 4 bits. Now that I've to create a circuit with 16 bits, what are my inputs into the multiplexer, in relation to vhdl code?

I've completed a sketch of the circuit, am I correct?
enter image description here

I did the VHDL code for the first multiplexer

library IEEE;

entity mux8_16 is   

    Port(in0,in1,in2,in3,in4,in5,in6,in7: in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);  
         s0, s1, s2: in std_logic (1 downto 0);   
         z: out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0));  

end mux8_16;  

architecture behavioural of mux8_16 is  

z <= in0 after 5ns when s0 = '0' and s1 ='0'  and s2 ='0'else  
     in1 after 5ns when s0 = '0' and s1 ='0'  and s2 ='1'else   
     in2 after 5ns when s0 = '0' and s1 ='1'  and s2 ='0'else   
     in3 after 5ns when s0 = '1' and s1 ='0'  and s2 ='0'else   
     in4 after 5ns when s0 = '0' and s1 ='1'  and s2 ='1'else  
     in5 after 5ns when s0 = '1' and s1 ='0'  and s2 ='1'else   
     in6 after 5ns when s0 = '1' and s1 ='1'  and s2 ='0'else  
     in7 after 5ns when s0 = '1' and s1 ='1'  and s2 ='1'else   
     '0000000000000000' after 5ns  

end behavioural;  

Is the code the right format?
For the decoder is this correct?

entity decoder_3to8 is  
        Port(din:in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);  
        dout: out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0));  
end decoder_3to8;  
architecture behavioural of decoder_3to8 is  
     dout <=    ("10000000") when (din="000") else   
                ("01000000") when (din="001") else   
                ("00100000") when (din="010") else   
                ("00010000") when (din="011") else   
                ("00001000") when (din="100") else  
                ("00000100") when (din="101") else   
                ("00000010") when (din="110") else  
                ("00000001") ;   
end behavioural;    

Is this code correct for the instance of a regsiter?

   architecture GEN of REG_BANK is     
   component REG     
    Port(Load,Clk,D :in std_ulogic;    
        Q : out std_ulogic);    
end component;    
    for I in 0 to 7 generate     
        REGX : REG port map    
           (LOAD,CLK,DIN(I), DOUT(I));       
        end generate GEN_REG;     
end GEN;     

Best Answer

Since this is clearly homework, I'm just going to provide hints that guide you toward a solution:

Perhaps you should start by writing the VHDL for the circuit as shown. Then, try to understand which parts of the code pertain to the width of the data buses, and which parts pertain to the number of registers.