Electrical – Opamp as latching comparator


So I have one unused OpAmp left in my circuit and I would like to use it as "latching comparator" (for lack of a better name), but I'm having hard time wrapping my head around it. Here is how I want it to behave:
"latching comparator" behaviour

Desired properties are:

  • Fairly high input impedance
  • Works without inputs reaching rail volatges
  • Speed doesn't matter.

Closest thing that I found so far is
this. But I wasn't able to figure out how can adapt it to my application.

I hope this makes some sense. I'm trying to keep it abstract(quick to read), but if more detail is needed or this turns out not to be possible – I'll add in more info.

Ok, so to be more precise of what my goal is:

I'm using LM3419 as bar-graph driver chip and I need a circuit that would latch when top graph LED turns on and stay untill bottom LED turns off.
I use output of that to enable/disable some other chips.

LM3914 pulls constant current through LEDs, but I don't know what LEDs at what current I will use, hence arbitrary "high" and "low" levels.
I have one free LM358 available and I wonder if I can make it work as described.

Wanted to add schematic representation here, but it doesn't let me (need more reputation). I hope it's understandable 😛

Best Answer

Try this; given the circuit will latch, with +-0.5 volt overdrive to provide robust 1-bit-storage, are diodes from your Set and Reset inputs all you need to add?


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

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