Parallel OpAmp Configuration – How to Set Up and Use


I am finding it very strange what is the role of R1 in this circuit, and what would happen if I would just remove R1 along with its connection, i.e., remove the connection inside the pink box:

enter image description here

Wouldn't both leads still get amplified?

No matter how much I read about it, opamps are still not intuitive for me.

Another strange highlight, is that this diagram looks exactly the same as the following, but the author now calls the "non-inverting amplifiers" by "voltage follower":

enter image description here

Best Answer

The Wikipedia Instrumentation amplifier article explains it reasonably well using the theory. Let's use some diagrams instead to make this a bit more intuitive.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 1. \$ R_{GAIN} \$ removed.

  • With the gain resistor omitted we simply have two voltage followers.
  • In (a) we have a differential input of 1 V and a differential output of 1 V.
  • In (b) we have a common-mode input of 1 V and a differential output of 0 V.

The problem occurs with this circuit that if we want to increase the gain in the normal non-inverting amplifier way we would add resistors from IN- to ground on OA1 and OA2. The problem is that the common mode signal gets amplified too and this may cause overload for the following stage - particularly if the common mode signal is high relative to the signal of interest.


simulate this circuit

Figure 2. \$ R_{GAIN} \$ reinstalled.

To keep the maths simple I've set Rgain = 20 kΩ.

  • In (a) we know from our non-inverting amplifier theory that the op-amp will settle with V- = V+. Therefore with a 1 V input OA1 will have 1 V on IN-.
  • Similarly OA2 will have 0 V on V-.
  • Now there is 1 V across Rgain so 0.05 mA must flow through R1, Rgain and R2. From this we can work out the op-amp output voltages. We see that we have doubled the differential signal output to 2 V.
  • In (b) we can see that the common mode signal goes through with a gain of one.

So, by adding Rgain = 20 kΩ we have increase the differential gain by a factor of 2 without increasing the common mode gain. As we increase Rgain the benefits improve further.

Read paragraph 3 of the Wikipedia article in the light of this and see if it helps.