Electrical – Programming of ADC in PIC12F675: Not Working Properly


I'm new to embedded systems and I want to program a PIC12F675 for a project.

So, the idea is that there is a switch. If the switch is off, the microcontroller normally outputs a clock signal, which its frequency is controlled by a potentiometer. And if the switch is on, there is another button that I can push to output a pulse that lasts for 500ms and goes low again.

I wrote the code, but it seems to not be working correctly.
Also I didn't code the potentiometer part because I don't know how, so it outputs a clock that it's frequency can't be controlled.

The problem:

When the switch is off (mode = 0), the clock doesn't work. However, when the switch is on (mode = 1), the clock works. It should be the other way around. Also, the pulse button doesn't work in either modes. Lastly, as I said before, I didn't code the potentiometer part because I don't know how.

So, could someone help me with this?
Thank you.

enter image description here

Here's the config:

#pragma config FOSC = INTRCCLK  
#pragma config WDTE = OFF       
#pragma config PWRTE = OFF      
#pragma config MCLRE = OFF       
#pragma config BOREN = ON       
#pragma config CP = OFF         
#pragma config CPD = OFF 

Here's the code:

#include <xc.h>
#include "config.h"
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000

void dClock(int delay){
    GPIO2 = 1;
    GPIO2 = 0;

void main(void) {
    TRISIO2 = 0; //output
    TRISIO3 = 1; //mode
    TRISIO5 = 1; //pulse_button

    char pressed = 0;
    GPIO2 = 0;


        if(GPIO3 == 0){
            int delay = ADC_Read(); //Supposed to read analog value here
            if(GPIO5 == 1 && pressed == 0){
                GPIO2 = 1;
                GPIO2 = 0;
                pressed = 1;
            else if(GPIO5 == 0 && pressed == 1){
                pressed = 0;


I edited the code and config, and everything is working fine. Now, I'm just still missing the analog input of the potentiometer.

Best Answer

The problem is here:

   int delay = ADC_Read(); //Supposed to read analog value here

ADC_Read() is not a standard function supported by the xc8 compiler. You had to write it on your own.
Hint: Maybe you like to use the library mcc