Electrical – Rectifiers in parallel – mosfet


I see the question has been asked a few times about using rectifiers in parallel to get a higher current rating and this is not advisable however I wanted to ask how this would apply to a active mosfet regulator and rectifier namely the fh020aa commonly found in bikes having a peak current of 50 Amps.

My application will generate 120 amps peak and at 12 volts and a standard 3 phases rectifier would lose a lot of that power so I wish to use two of these in parallel with a brushless motor to gain 100 amps peak.

Can it be done? Or is there a more suited rectifier capable of taking the current?

Best Answer

In theory , this part can be designed to handle more than two Shindengen fh020aa regulators, but it does not include the thermal, mechanical and electrical interface parts added.
enter image description here

Mind you these external regulators are designed for motor cycle alternators. Now you can get a 136A 14V alternator with internal 3 phase regulator for less than half the price.