Electrical – Reduce clicks when switching over cd4066


I make an audio switch on the chip cd4066 (I control using arduino), please tell me how to make a smoother switch without sharp clicks, I need the sound to appear with a small attack and just fade out, it should be minimal but help get rid of clicks , ideally it would be great if the duration of attack and damping could be adjusted. How to implement this schematically? I will be happy with any help.
enter image description here

Best Answer

The problem is that when you switch on channels, you are sending DC current through the switch to your outputs. The bias voltage is not needed if you use a bipolar supply of +/- 7.5 volts (maximum). Then you can remove R1, R3, R5 and R7. The ground pin of the CD4066 (Vss) will now have -7 volt. R2, R4, R6, R8 become your ground reference for the signal.

The CD4066 will work with +/- 5 volts but the allowed signal intensity will be reduced.

Since it no longer has any DC voltage on the signal lines, there should be no clicking noise when changing inputs.

To get +/- 7.5 volts use LM7808(+8 volts) and LM7908(-8 volts) voltage regulators with a 1N4007 diode on the output to drop the voltage to a safe +/- 7.35 volts. Don't forget to add bypass capacitors on the Vcc and Vss pins to ground.

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