Electrical – Replace Potentiometer With Arduino Controlled Circuit

automationdigital potentiometer


I recently bought a Scr Voltage Regulator (10000w Ac110v 220v 75a) to act as a motor controller for a hobby project (Figure 1). After taking it apart, I found the Voltage Regulator is controlled by a 220k Ohm 2W Potentiometer (Figure 2).

Figure 1 SCR Voltage Regulator
Figure 1: SCR Voltage Regulator

Figure 2: 220 K ohm 2W Potentiometer
Figure 2: 220 K ohm 2W Potentiometer


I'd like to replace the mechanical Potentiometer with a component I can control with a microcontroller. I found the ADN2850 However, this seems like it can only support 1 W.

  • Is there another type of chip on the market I should be looking at?


  • How would I build a circuit that allows me to use a smaller control current to regulate the speed regulator?

Best Answer

You can't do this easily and should not attempt it. You could easily hurt yourself or damage your computer.

You need a power controller with a DC voltage input that is isolated from the mains. It's far easier to design something like that from scratch than to try to retrofit to a non-isolated phase control. That pot, for example, will be subject to hundreds of volts in operation, far beyond what any digital pot can withstand.

If you connect your Arduino directly to a non-isolated circuit there's a good chance it will be sitting at 120VAC relative to ground and could electrocute you or blow your PC's motherboard to smithereens via the USB programming port.