Electrical – RJ45 to RS232 With Power

barcodepower supplyrj45rs232wiring

I'm using a barcode scanner that will dump the coded values over a serial port and need to have power also sent to the barcode scanner over the same cord just like with the cord shown here:

enter image description here
enter image description here

Reference: https://superuser.com/questions/1214742/does-this-rs232-serial-cable-require-an-external-power-supply.

Can anyone explain exactly how the wiring inside of the RS232 connector is wired so that it provides power and data transfer to the RJ45 side?

I will be using a barcode scanner into a microcontroller with bare wires so ill need to know exactly what is happening inside the RS232 connector.



enter image description here

It appears that the ground for the signal and the ground for the power is shared in this example.

When i wire this way, im able to get power to the scanner but not able to transmit data over serial.

Best Answer

This image from a well-respected purveyor of quality electronics (joke! joke!) may give you a start.

enter image description here

Source: Flexible scanner cable for Symbol LS2280.

If it is correct then the scanner can be used with RS232, OEM, USB and keyboard wedge cables.

External power supply negative goes to pin 4 which also connects to the PC port 9-pin ground, pin 5, and the power supply + goes to pin 7. All the others go to the respective pins on the RS232 connecter.

How did I find it? Google image search Symbol+Barcode+Scanner+LS1203+cable+pinout.