Electrical – Second Order Bandpass Filter vs Second Order High Pass and Low Pass in Series

band passhigh pass filterlow pass

Is using a second order bandpass filter less effective than using a second order high pass filter and a second order low pass filter one after the other?

I tried a bandpass filter to filter out frequencies between 0.5Hz and 15Hz, and found that there was still quite a bit of noise.

Then I used a second order high pass filter and a second order low pass filter one after the other and found that that eliminated more noise than a bandpass filter.

Why would a bandpass be worse than a high pass and low pass one after the other?

Best Answer

A second order bandpass filter has a first order roll off rate on each side of the pass band. A second order low pass filter in series with a second order high pass filter has second order roll off rates on both sides of the pass band. The two are not equivalent.