Electrical – simplify A’B’C’+A’B’C+A’BC’+A’BC+ABC into minimal 1st canonical form

boolean-algebrakarnaugh maplogic-gates

Is there anyone who can advise me?
I cannot seem to simplify this function into minimal 1st canonical form using boolean algebra.
enter image description here

With my first attempt I obtained:
enter image description here
With my second attempt I obtained:
enter image description here

I used the K-Map loop technique and I got:enter image description here

The correct answer I obtained from the online Logic circuit simplification solver also gave the answer:enter image description here

Can someone please point out the mistakes I have made in my 1st and 2nd attempts using Boolean algebra method?

Also can you please let me know the reason why I did not obtain the minimal 1st canonical form directly from the K-Map loops and needed to further simplify the expression?

Best Answer

To answer the 2nd part of your question: K-map representations connect from top to bottom, and left edge to right edge- so the outer 4 corners are all part of one adjacency group, A' (This means you can derive A' + BC directly)

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