Electrical – Solder mask expansion issue in altium


Can anyone tell me if this is ok and it is just a drawing issue or I have a real problem when ordering my pcbs?

solder mask.png

My understanding of solder mask expansion is the minimum distance between a track/pad… and the next one (Isn't it?) So, I wanted to have avery wide track and put instead of a small distance to the next one, a bigger one. But I see the bone white line inside of the copper track…

How can I make this distance bigger? I want to create a gnd plane and the distance seems to small for me (Big track is AC current)

Best Answer

Soldermask Expansion defines the clearance of Solder Mask to Copper. If you want Copper to Copper clearance, you need to set up a Clearance rule.

The "bone white" that you see is your PCB. The outer gold is probably your ground plane. Just go to Design Rules dialog and change the Electrical > Clearance rule.