Electrical – Spark Gap in EMP Generator


I recently got into eletronics, and there are some concepts I am having a hard time understanding. I was looking around youtube and saw this video of a small EMP generator, I understand the basics of it, the magnetic field inducts a current thus frying electronics, but what I'm interested in is why there is a spark gap in the schematics. What does it do ?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Presumably the high voltage converter is rectified and put through a multiplier, otherwise this circuit wouldn't work. The capacitors in the multiplier are charged up by the DC and when the voltage becomes high enough to jump the spark gap, all of the energy stored in the capacitor(s) is dumped into the coil, thus producing a powerful EMP. You can think of the setup as building up pressure until it reaches a certain point, and suddenly releases all of that pressure all at once. You can see how that would be much more powerful than simply passing the current through the coil.